Category: Uncategorized

Snake Tray’s New Moveable Electrical Outlet for Modular Walls

Snake Tray is now offering a complete system of prefabricated electrical assemblies for modular walls, designed to streamline and simplify the time-consuming task of repetitive branch circuit wiring installations.  The assembly interfaces with Snake Tray’s Snake Bus power distribution system for under access floors, and is designed to make branch circuit wiring easier than ever! Prefabricated single or multi-gang electrical outlets, offer a complete plug-n-play solution for lightning fast trim-out as well as allowing for easy moves anywhere the modular walls are move in the office environment.  Snake Tray understands construction bid times are shrinking all the time as owners and general contractors continue to push subcontractors to get bids turned around in less time. Snake Tray works hard to assist electrical contractors with quick turnaround times on quotes, allowing time to evaluate prior to bid, Let our designers review your documents and provide a turn key approach for your next project.

Snake Tray is a leading manufacturer of cable management, power distribution, boxes and enclosures all designed to lower the total cost of construction. Products are manufactured in the USA and shipped to leading corporations and organizations across the globe.

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How to Effectively Manage Solar Panel Cables

Building a solar plant is about efficiencies. We’ve come a long way in terms of solar panel technology, evolving from an expensive government-subsidized industry into a self-sustainable energy market sector. However, power generation is a thin margin game, so squeezing the most wattage out of every dollar spent on materials, labor and ongoing repairs is critical to driving profitability.

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The Benefits of Using Pre-Fabricated Products in Data Center Design

Like any other industry, enterprises in the business of moving and storing data are learning to benefit from economies of scale. The next generation 5G wireless network promises to increase data volume exponentially. A 5G network provides vastly increased speed and capacity, but requires smaller cells and closer proximity to the cloud in order to deliver the low latency required for a seamless digital experience.

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5G and Edge Computing is on the Horizon. Are your Data Centers Ready?

A tidal wave of data is coming, brought to you courtesy of the makers of 5G wireless networks and the billions of smart devices in use around the globe. A 5G network provides vastly increased capacity and lower latency – the time it takes for data to travel from the user, over the network to the central processor and back again. This will not only enable near real-time communications for things like VR and AI, it will spawn a whole new generation of applications like remote medical diagnostics and innovations we can only imagine today.

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Snake Tray Catalog

snake tray® CATALOG

the new catalog is here. AVAILABLE IN PRINT AND ONLINE.