Category: Solar Cable Management

Agriculture + Photovoltaics = Agrivoltaics

From Texas to New Zealand, flocks of sheep leisurely graze on natural green grasses growing beneath hundreds of rows of solar panels. A

In the Midwest US, researchers have discovered that solar farms can coexist with crops that thrive in partial shade. B

Across the south of France, vineyards are growing grapes for winemaking under the shade and protection of solar panels. C

Spain, famous for its olive oil, integrates solar fields with hedgerow olive tree groves for clean energy generation without disrupting crop production. D

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Battery Energy Storage System

Making the Case for Solar Snake Max XL in Battery Energy Storage

Some utilities are producing so much renewable solar energy that supply is outpacing demand. They need to store that surplus electricity to power the grid with clean energy after sunset and to complement fossil fuel-based energy production during peak consumption periods or unplanned outages. To make that happen utilities are building battery energy storage systems (BESS) adjacent to the solar panel arrays and inverters that transform megawatts of DC current into usable AC power.

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Innovating Cable Management

Innovating Cable Management Solutions for Solar!

In the 28 years since Snake Tray was founded the company has grown into the industry leader in cable management. All Snake Tray products are designed around the principle of helping our customers lower their costs with innovative solutions that save on labor, take less time to install, and generally use less materials and hardware.

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solar max xl clicks

Create Energy. Store Energy. Use Energy. It’s all in the “Click”.

Snake Tray invented the Solar Snake Max XL. The world’s first above ground free-air cable conveyance system designed to help utility-grade solar installations overcome the challenges of burying cables. In addition to eliminating the time, expense, and messy process of digging and filling trenches with miles of DC cables, free-air cable conveyance maximizes energy harvest by preventing the heat buildup that occurs when high ampacity cables are bundled or buried.

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Snake Tray is Green: Minimizing Our Environmental Impact

Snake Tray is Green

At Snake Tray®, we take environmental responsibility seriously. We are committed to manufacturing our products in ways that minimize the impact on the environment. Not only do Snake Tray products and solutions save energy and natural resources to help our clients meet compliance standards for energy-efficient building design, but they are also manufactured using equally high environmental standards.

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Snake Tray Catalog

snake tray® CATALOG

the new catalog is here. AVAILABLE IN PRINT AND ONLINE.